Parsa’s parents immigrated to the U.S. from Iran in search of educational opportunities which motivated him to start, a student tutoring marketplace, with his friend and cofounder, Alejandro. Parsa’s father and grandfather were both teachers for over 20 years (community college and K-12 respectively) and Parsa’s mother is still a VP of Engineering in the technology industry, so Parsa’s ambition has always been to make a positive impact in education at scale, leveraging technology. When Parsa isn’t working on GoSchoolBox, you can find him playing volleyball or soccer, reading, or trying to get Alejandro and Sharn to laugh at one of his jokes.

Parsa Rezvani

Alejandro Mendoza
Alejandro graduated from Harvey Mudd College with a joint bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics. While at Mudd, Alejandro held positions as a peer tutor and as a Peer Academic Liaison for other students on campus. From his experience, he gained a passion and appreciation for the positive impact tutoring can have in an academic community. Alejandro spends his free time exercising at the gym and searching for the finest tacos around.

Sharn Sahota
Sharn’s background is in business development and marketing. She graduated from UCLA with a bachelor’s degree in business economics and entrepreneurship. As a peer tutor and recipient during her time at UCLA, Sharn has received a deep appreciation for peer-to-peer learning. She is most excited about supporting schools and organizations tackling the educational divide by leveraging the power of technology and peer support. You can find Sharn, in her spare time, playing basketball or traveling.

Jessica Geidel
Chief of Staff
Jess has a background in early childhood education both as a former teacher and as an administrator. She has a bachelor’s degree in Theatre for Youth and is passionate about ensuring that every child has the tools they need to properly express themselves and succeed. Jess is excited to support all stakeholders of the GoSchoolBox platform, especially the teachers and learners that she respects and loves. Jess enjoys spending time with her wonderful family and enjoys baking, knitting, and movie nights.

Brandon Mellus

Daniel Deegan

David Cordova
David is a graduate of ASU with a bachelor’s degree in Web Development. David’s passion for web development started at middle school in the late ‘90’s, because he didn’t have a computer at home. Out of high school, David worked in operations management to provide for his household before enrolling at Arizona State University to become a software engineer. David is blessed to be a husband and father of two teenage boys so he is most excited about building the GoSchoolBox platform to facilitate mentoring opportunities for middle schoolers that remind David of himself. When David is not coding, he loves making music, watching anime, and playing Call of Duty.

Joe Nunez
Joe grew up in Colorado and is a graduate of Harvey Mudd College with a joint major in Mathematics and Computer Science. He worked as a peer tutor and grader for a variety of math and computer sciences courses during his time at Mudd. He gained an appreciation of the importance of being able to view the material from the standpoint of the student as well as the educator. Joe spends his free time playing with his dog, climbing mountains, and searching for the perfect cannoli recipe.

Nick Hanrahan
Raised in Silicon Valley by two engineers, Nick resisted his creative proclivities for some time! After graduating from the University of Colorado, Boulder with a degree in Business Administration, Nick took up learning computer programming. From his coding bootcamp experience and online self-teaching, Nick became enamored by the potential of online education and sought to make online education accessible to all. Nick himself reached out to the GoSchoolBox Team to inquire about openings which is how he landed his position! In his spare time, Nick likes making desserts, kickboxing, and playing video games.

Romy Shockey